Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies



Blog by Hortense

Review on the Masterclass "No-Low in Wine" of 22sd of June
Summary of the masterclass on the no-low alcohol trend in wine that B&S Tech organized the 22sd of June 2020 in Bordeaux.
28.06.22 16:59:37 - Comment(s)
Prowein 2022 : no-low trend is confirmed
key learnings of Prowein 2022.
30.05.22 14:45:39 - Comment(s)
Free-alcoholic drinks and low-alcohol drinks tend to be seen as the same market. But do they target the same consumers ? Let's have a look to people who are looking for that new kind of beverages.
20.05.22 10:38:37 - Comment(s)
Stereotypes about dealcoholization
There are many negative preconceived ideas about the reduction of alcohol applied to finished products. Here is a small overview of these stereotypes...
06.05.22 11:27:21 - Comment(s)

    The month of March is coming to an end and the first 3 months of 2022 have been rich in news for B&S Tech and the no-low alcohol market. Let's have a look of this 1st quarter where the team was on all fronts:

    First of all, a 1st participation in the Wine...

12.04.22 18:29:32 - Comment(s)