Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

REVIEW OF THE 1ST QUARTER OF 2022 FOR B&S TECH:   A very rich start of the year!

By - Hortense
12.04.22 18:29:32

    The month of March is coming to an end and the first 3 months of 2022 have been rich in news for B&S Tech and the no-low alcohol market. Let's have a look of this 1st quarter where the team was on all fronts:

    First of all, a 1st participation in the Wine Paris-Vinexpo show which was a great success with many visits to our corner in the heart             of the Wine Tech stand. A great visibility for us, a nascent player on the market, to introduce the word of wine to no/low alcohol. We will remember many and diverse visits: winegrowers, wine merchants, restaurateurs, journalists, oenologists, all curious to discover no-low alcohol or to get ride their a priori on the subject. 

    It was also a great opportunity to taste products made with 3 of our customers : UBY, Rochefort and Moderato!

Tasting that seduced and convinced our interlocutors and strengthened our conviction on the potential of this market in the years to           come.                        

To sum up: lot of positive with people in most cases pleasantly surprised and eager to know more, aware of the trend, and seduced by the project support offer of B&S Tech.


    Another participation for B&S Tech : having contributed to the latest issue of the Revue des Œnologues de France devoted to de-alcoholized wines. An opportunity for B&S Tech to share its knowledge and expertise on the subject and enlighten the reader on this new trend.


In parallel, we continue to work on several projects, and it is with great honor that we can see some of them materialize. For example:

- The coming of the Cristal IPA 0.0% beer from Brasserie du Mont Blanc:

-  The launch of the Sparkling 0% Moderato :

- The investment of « Les Grands Chais de France » in an unit of dealcoholization : 8840468.php#:~:text=ArchivesLégalesCarnet-,Gironde%20%3A%20Les%20Grands%20Chais%20de%20France%20misent%20aussi%20sur,vin%20sans%20alcool%20à%20Landiras&text=Quelques%20repères%20pour%20mieux%20situer,son%20site%20industriel%20de%20Landiras

- And as well the investment of Bordeaux Families also in an unit of dealcoholization :


    Finally, B&S Tech is very proud to have been selected to integrate the Bernard Magrez Start-Up Win incubator into the "Cépage" program. A wonderful opportunity for B&S Tech to share with other start-ups but also players in the wine sector its vision and innovative proposals to develop light and alcohol-free wines. The team takes full advantage of the support offered by the incubator to accelerate its development. A very rich first quarter that portends a year full of projects for the team! If you want to follow us more closely, do not hesitate to subscribe to our page LinkedIn :



See you soon with a glass of wine… light or alcohol free ;)


The Team B&S Tech


