Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

Outcome of the 1st quarter 2023

By - Hortense
03.04.23 12:24:05

    March 31 marks the end of the 1st quarter, an opportunity to look back on these first three months of the year that were rich for B&S Tech. On the customer side, the Wine Paris and Prowein fairs were an opportunity to meet new prospects and especially to introduce many to the world of no/low by tasting developed products and prototypes. 


    In this new breakthrough category, it seems more and more obvious that pedagogy and tasting are key both to remove preconceptions and to understand consumer expectations. Indeed, we can never say it enough but this no/low trend is above all an expectation of consumers who have been reducing their alcohol consumption for several years and are looking for qualitative alternatives for adults. The SOWINE/DYNATA 2023 barometer that has just been published announces that 15% of French people place a no/low drink in the top 3 of their favorite alcoholic beverages, it is far from negligible!

The fairs are therefore magnificent playgrounds for this. Prowein understood this by setting up this year a space dedicated to zero with a tasting area that met with some success.

These fairs have therefore allowed us to initiate projects and discussions with new customers who all want to meet the challenge of producing a quality dealcoholized wine. A great challenge for B&S Tech that we are ready to take up!


    In parallel, we are also accelerating training and pedagogy on this category with speeches in different forms:

-The launch of a series of webinars on Le Zéro de Rochefort, (replay available here: In a 30min online format, a good way to explain the category to those who have questions. 

- Interviews in the media Other articles are coming during May-June, we can't wait to share them with you!

- Finally, Wine Paris gave us the opportunity to organize the first round table on no/low in wine. (replay available here:

The success met makes us think about the importance of speaking on this subject with other key players in the market, we hope to tell you more soon... Stay tuned!


The 1st quarter ends with many exciting prospects, full of promise for the coming months!
