Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

"Degré Zéro" and Wine Paris 2024 : what's the outcome ?

By - Hortense
27.02.24 10:25:28

    The beginning of February was a high point for B&S Tech's business, marked by two trade fairs of different dimensions but of equal intensity and importance: Degré Zéro and Wine Paris. 


    First of all, the Degré Zéro trade show, the first trade show entirely dedicated to dealcoholized beverages. At the initiative of the company Break Events, which specializes in the organization of professional events for the promotion of wines and spirits, this first event was already looking promising as the show was already sold out more than a week before its opening. 

Taking up residence at the Musée du Vin (Paris 16th) on the eve of the start of Wine Paris, the timing was perfect for both exhibitors and visitors. 

    And the announced success was confirmed! 30min of queuing outside, aisles full of visitors and difficulty to move around! B&S Tech was of course present at this event to present its offer and the latest launches of its customers, but also as a founding member of the No/Low wine collective, partner of the event and which BREAK EVENTS joined in January.


    A success that put all the No/Low players in very good conditions to start Wine Paris the next day! 


    Indeed, Monday, February 12 was the opening of the Vinexpo-Wine Paris 2024 trade show at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center, which is now the unmissable event for the wine trade. Bringing together more than 4000 French and international exhibitors this year, the show is a key moment to observe new market trends and the latest innovations. And if last year the presence of No/Low products was still very shy, this year, it was impossible to miss it! Between a dedicated space within the Be Spirit Pavilion, six masterclasses/round tables that addressed the subject over the three days, nearly forty exhibitors/producers offering a range of dealcoholized wines, and above all the front page of Les Echos Spécial Vin at the opening of the show which headlined: "Wine is taking the wave of alcohol-free", it is no longer possible to ignore this trend!

    Present in the Wine Tech Pavilion, the B&S Tech booth was full for 3 days welcoming producers, buyers, merchants, distributors curious to know more about this trend and especially to taste our latest innovations which prove that alcohol-free wine is no longer a low-end product. 

    This is a strong message that our CEO Stéphane Brière wanted to convey during the round table organized on Wednesday 14 February by the no/low wine collective (of which B&S Tech is a founding member): "Alcohol-free wine is not a by-product of wine". It has been said over and over again, dealcoholized wine brings diversification to the winemakers’ offer to meet consumer expectations and enhance the market. 

A message that seems to be better and better received and understood by the various actors, despite the last detractors. 


    In the end, an extremely positive assessment of these 2 shows for B&S Tech which confirms the potential of the No/Low market in which we have believed for nearly 5 years now. Now it's time to turn the contacts made into new projects and future successes! The year has only just begun, and we are sure that it will be promising for this beautiful No/Low category. 
