Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

Assessment of alcohol consumption in France and the place of No-Low in 2023

24.04.23 16:49:35

We often talk about alcohol deconsumption in France, but what is it today? 
How is it evolving and what are the trends?

According to the SOWINE 2023 barometer, 15% of French people say they do not drink alcohol, a trend that is increasingly strong among 18-25 year olds who represent 23% of them, but also among women (17%) and low-income households (19%).

Concerning alcohol drinkers, they tend more and more to consume less but better. Indeed, the frequency of wine purchase is decreasing while the price allocated to a bottle of wine is higher (between 11 and 20€). A more responsible consumption and a trend pushing consumers to pay more attention to their health and their environment. This effect is particularly visible among young people.

According to studies conducted by Thierry Lorey, wine specialist and professor, wine buyers are getting older, buying less often and in smaller quantities. At the same time, 59% of young people do not drink wine, preferring beer and hard seltzer. 
How can the wine industry reinvent itself in order to attract young people again? 
One of the solutions considered by specialists is de-alcoholization! 

No/low products are indeed more and more sought after by consumers and respond to this trend of more responsible consumption. That's why 30% of French people say they consume no-low drinks today, including 45% of 18-25 year olds! A trend and drinks that speak to a generation Z concerned about its consumption. 
According to studies conducted by Sowine, the main reasons for consuming No-Low drinks are: in first place: to consume less alcohol, in second place at 39%: to take care of one's health and in third place: taste for 37% of consumers (+4pts compared to 2022). An offer that keeps diversifying while relying on a growing quality as the years go by.

Pierre Alcodes