Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

How to dealcoholise a drink ?

29.10.20 10:06:31

The press never stops talking about it, the consumption of alcoholic drinks is falling for several years now. (-10% in 10 years according to INSEE). At the same time, new offers of alcohol-free or lighter drinks are appearing which seem to appeal to more and more people. 

But a question remains: how do you lower the alcohol content of a wine or beer?

To date, there are several technologies on the market: 

    - 1:  The first is vacuum evaporation. This is a very low temperature distillation allowed by putting the product to be distilled under vacuum. The boiling point of volatile compounds such as alcohol is reduced to a maximum (about 40 degrees).
    - 2: A second widespread technology is reverse osmosis: this is a physical process to separate the alcohol from the liquid by using membranes. It is the least space-consuming technology.
    - 3: Finally, the 3rd technology known on the market is dealcoholisation using spinning cone columns (SCC). This technology uses a cold distillation principle using centrifugation to spread the liquid in a very thin layer on rotating cones. The technique, developed in Australia, is widely used across the Atlantic.  

There is a growing interest in the subject and many people are trying to find the best method of dealcoholisation. This is the case, for example, in Spain, where 5 entrepreneurs have created a machine capable of dealcoholising a bottle of wine in 5 minutes. This technology is still only a prototype, with no commercialization announced yet. 

If you would like to better understand these 3 main technologies and have more details, do not hesitate to visit the technology page of our website 

Pierre Alcodes