Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

How to choose an alcohol-free wine ?

By - Hortense
27.09.22 15:57:42

Alcohol free wine is for all consumers of beverages. Today, there are several methods to produce alcohol-free wine, from processed grape juice to dealcoholisation.

What are the different products that exist ?

Drinks with a wine profile

What are wine profile drinks ?

The drinks with wine profile are produced from grape juice or grape/seeds maceration, which allow to extract all the beneficial components of the grape as for example its polyphenols. These drinks are therefore blends that have never undergone the alcoholic fermentation that characterizes the manufacture of a classic wine. This is why they are called " wine profile drinks" and not directly wine. Consequently, they are guaranteed alcohol free. 

What taste ?

Due to a base of grape juice these drinks are quite sweet. Indeed, we find around 40 to 50 grams of sugar per bottle. They are therefore fruity and sweet drinks that will have a different aromatic profile depending on the grape varieties chosen by their producers. These drinks can present a nice aromatic complexity but are, nevertheless, quite far from the taste profile of an alcoholic wine.

For whom? 

This type of product is intended because of its taste and its production technique to non-consumers of alcohol (and therefore wine consumers) who will find there an aromatic and fruity drink.

Dealcoholised wines

What is a dealcoholised wine ? 

These are wines from which the alcohol is removed after the alcoholic fermentation and the wine making process. This process is called dealcoholisation. There are several dealcoholisation technologies, such as, for example, vacuum evaporation. It consists in separating the alcohol and the aromas of the product (wine, beer, spirits) thanks to a principle of distillation under vacuum. This technique allows the product not to be overheated while respecting the work of the winemaker on the original wine. We, then, obtain a wine without alcohol. There are also others technologies such as reverse osmosis.

What is the taste of a dealcoholised wine ? 

The dealcoholised wine has a taste closer to that of wine. Its aromatic palette will depend on the starting wine. The dealcoholised wine is generally less sweet and has an aromatic profile closer to wine, without the power of alcohol. 

Who is it for ?

Dealcoholised wines are aimed at people who do not drink alcohol or who wish to moderate their consumption. They target consumers looking for an alcohol-free alternative to wine and wine lovers. 

Alcohol content

De-alcoholized wines are not always 0.0% vol. Indeed, the producer can choose to leave a little part of alcohol for the balance of his product. This will not exceed 0.5% vol. It is therefore important to pay attention to the label to check the alcohol content of the dealcoholised wine.

The quality/price ratio

    Until a few years ago, the offer of alcohol-free wines was rather low-end. They were very sweet products, with high doses of flavors and often distributed in large-scale industrial stores. 

    Today, the demand evolves as well as the offer. The products are more and more worked and much more qualitative. This is why the theory Quality = Price is true for this type of product. You will find a non-alcoholic wine or a drink with a quality wine profile at a starting price of 8€. 

To summarise

    If you are a wine lover or are looking for an alternative, choose a dealcoholised wine. On the other hand, if you are looking for a fruity and sweet product, drinks with a wine profile will be better able to satisfy you. 

- Remember to check the alcohol content on the labels of dealcoholised wines.

- To get a good non-alcoholic wine or a good wine profile drink, you will have to pay the price. 

- For more information about dealcoholisation and alcohol-free wines, please visit our website or contact us directly by e-mail. 

