Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Alcohol free Wine, Beer & Spirits
Expert in alcohol-free product development & alcohol reduction services and technologies

Alcohol-free wine: to your health!

24.09.21 20:39:47

    Alcohol-free wine is becoming increasingly popular in France and throughout the world. Many people who drink 0% wine want to reduce their alcohol consumption for health reasons. But alcohol-free wine is doubly good for your health!


    We already know about the "French Paradox": why is the mortality rate from coronary heart disease lower in France than in England, even though people there eat more fat and smoke just as much? Thanks to a moderate consumption of red wine which reduces the influence of these diseases.


    A recent study carried out in England by researchers at the University of Anglia Ruskin has shown that the health benefits of wine do not come from the alcohol but from the grapes. Thus the choice of de-alcoholised wine takes on its full meaning. In her study of 450,000 people aged between 40 and 69, the researchers analysed the effects of moderate alcohol consumption on the health of the participants. They found that cardiovascular disease was reduced by 40% in non-alcoholic wine drinkers and in people who drank more moderate amounts of conventional wine. This is due to the composition of wine, and thus of alcohol-free wine, whose grapes "contain a multitude of heart-healthy compounds and nutrients, including polyphenols and the mineral potassium". Rudolph Schutte, a doctor of medical science who was in charge of the study, warns of the dangers of alcoholic drinks and therefore recommends the consumption of non-alcoholic wines.


    Every two years, the Wine Market Council (WMC) also publishes a study monitoring wine consumers. Recently it has been looking at the role of wine in the quest for a healthier lifestyle. According to WMC President Stratton: "One of the things that this research has shown is that a proportion of the population is seeking to moderate their alcohol consumption in order to improve their health, including by choosing to drink wine instead. There is no doubt that alcohol-free wine will respond even better to this aspiration


    Another good reason for winegrowers to be interested in the production of de-alcoholised wine.

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Pierre Alcodes